Hi, welcome to our site!
I’m Giri, founder of High Demand Skills (HDS).
I have a professional background in engineering, consulting and financial services, and have degrees in engineering and finance.
I’m also a contributing author to popular Medium publications (Towards Data Science, CodeX and MLearning.AI) and a website dedicated to audio interfacing.
You can read more about me here.
At HDS, our goal is to bring you practical information about high demand skills in areas such as analytics, individual investing, artificial intelligence and soft skills. These are amongst the most important skills for success—as a professional or entrepreneur—in today’s digitally connected world.
We also explore effective learning paths and resources for you to acquire the skills that you need.
We draw upon our decades of professional knowledge and experience in engineering, finance, business and investments.
With our passion for learning and our enthusiasm for new technologies, we hope you find our information helpful and insightful.
We welcome any feedback or questions at [email protected].
I hope you enjoy visiting our site!